
Nobly obtains ISAE 3000 certification

The fact that Nobly has an ISAE 3000 declaration gives our customers comfort about Nobly's IT security level and the way we process personal data in relation to complying with applicable law.

Nobly obtains ISAE 3000 certification, developed by Ernst & Young

In June 2021, the auditing firm Ernst & Young prepared an independent ISAE 3000 statement on general IT controls at Nobly in relation to IT security and protection of personal data in connection with the company’s Enterprise Content Management solutions and services.

Nobly has also made an agreement with Ernst & Young that an annual review of the selected control objectives must be carried out to ensure that Nobly continues to live up to the defined requirements.

It has been a lot of work to implement this process, which has taken more than a year, so we are incredibly happy and proud that we now finally have an official statement about our IT-security measures, which gives our customers security when they engage with Nobly and our solutions.

If you need more information or details about our ISAE 3000 statement, you are always welcome to contact Nobly.