New document management system brings Alka to the forefront of customer experience and data security

In May 2018, the new Personal Data Regulation came into force, with strict requirements for the storage and use of sensitive personal information.

For Alka Forsikring, it was an opportunity to look through all business procedures and processes to, among other things, ensure the best possible control over the handling of sensitive personal information. Nobly offered Alka a solution for all documents; A document portal based on OnBase by Hyland. My Alka today offers the individual customer a secure overview of engagement and case correspondence, and Alka is thus well equipped for the digital race of the future.

“Despite ongoing digitalisation, about two years ago we still had about 2 km of shelves with physical damage cases. We had a meeting with Iron Mountain about a scanning solution with physical storage of all these cases, and at the meeting we were introduced to Nobly, their partner. Earlier, the new Personal Data Regulation (GDPR) was announced, which meant that we had to have a completely new document management system to ensure compliance with the new rules, including in the correspondence with our customers. Ordinary letter mail and eBoks are expensive alternatives, and in our experience do not provide the best customer experience. Instead, we chose to work with a centralized document archive as a base, som the customers can see everything at Mit Alka”, states the Area-leader from Alka Forsikring.

An intuitive and future-proof solution

Alka has a tradition of being very strong when it comes to satisfied customers. Customer experience and good service are high priorities, and were also an important starting point for the solution that Alka wanted. From the outset, the scope was limited to an intuitive document management solution, which initially included TIA documents, ie correspondence from Alka to the customer about current insurance cases.

“We had two basic requirements for the solution: The first was the requirement for a central archive in Mit Alka, where the customer can log in and see commitment and case correspondence from TIA. The second was the requirement for central logging of documents prescribed by the GDPR. After a thorough bidding and information process as well as subsequent analysis of suppliers, the choice fell on Nobly and OnBase, “says Product Owner Jesper Kiel Sloth and continues:” At that time we only had about two months left to implement the solution, which honestly looked unmanageable. But Nobly offered a proven and future-proof solution, and the chemistry was good at the meetings. ”

“Nobly is a relatively small consulting house, but with large customers within public regions, among other places, so we had confidence that they could handle the task. They demonstrated early in the process that they understood our needs and business practices. Their in-depth knowledge of document management, combined with the willingness to work very flexible in an agile form in which we operate, was what brought us to our goals on time. ”

The scope grew along the way

The initial discovery phase was crucial for the solution, says project manager at Alka, Stine Kensø: “We had many small and efficient work meetings around the entire business. Nobly was physically present and got to know all the corners of our business and they managed to ask a lot of questions in relation to our work processes. In previous supplier selection processes, I have experienced initially meeting a strong and convincing team, and later to discover discrepencies between what was promised vs. what was delivered. We certainly did not experience that this time. The schedule was tight, but we felt safe in choosing a future-proof system with many workflow options. ”

Jesper Kiel Sloth agrees: “Nobly’s approach to OnBase has throughout the process been that the system can solve our needs. Approximately 14 days into the implementation process, we had to acknowledge that we had to include archiving of email correspondence without attachments in the solution. It was not part of the original agreement. But a large part of our correspondence with customers takes place via emails without attachments, so it just made sense to include them as well. Here, Nobly proved to be super willing to change, and they made a good solution, where the system automatically asks whether emails out of the house should be sent normally or directly to My Alka. We actually solved a lot of extra GDPR-related requirements together with the first, narrow scope. ”

Morten Have is business development director and partner at Nobly and has been involved in the project from the start. He has only words of praise for the collaboration with Alka in a sometimes hectic process: “Alka has been extremely good to collaborate with. In IT, things are often decided at the management level. At Alka, it was the other way around. Here, users have driven the development, and have reacted quickly when something did not work in a practical setting. It has been incredibly strong. Alka was willing to make the necessary resources available and we did not have to wait for emails or meetings to move forward. We had a technical project manager sitting physically at Alka, which has been crucial for the process. Of course, it has also been of great importance that Alka chose a proven solution from the start, which included a wide range of OnBase modules that were easy to extend. Among other things, this was what made it possible to connect e-mail integration without the high costs, ”concludes Morten Have.

Ready employees and satisfied customers

12 superusers from different departments were the first to be trained in the new document management system. They acted as ambassadors in the departments, where OnBase has been well received by users.

“The system is very intuitive and easy, and users have been able to work with it from day one – even though all beginnings are difficult, and of course there were many questions in the beginning. The users have received the new document management system very well and more are already requesting access to more of the functions, ”says Stine Kensø.

At Alka, there is broad agreement that OnBase has been a good platform for their digital journey. From the outside, the insurance company is also often praised for their digital solutions, among others by FinansWatch. For many years, Alka has been one of Denmark’s fastest growing insurance companies with some of the market’s most satisfied customers, while Alka’s earnings have been on a par with the best on the market. A position that in December 2017 led to the company being acquired by Tryg, but continues as an independent brand.

“Insurance has a reputation for being boring and incomprehensible. Therefore, Alka’s goal is to make it simple and deliver good quality at a low price. OnBase gives us some efficient processes at low costs, which means that we can offer just that. Customers find it completely natural that they can find their policies, conditions and correspondence in My Alka, “says Jesper Kiel Sloth and concludes:” We live up to the personal data regulation, and we show relevant documents to relevant customers and employees. We are already looking forward to the next phase with OnBase, where we will be even sharper on digital processes and workflows. Among other things, we can see that both finance, HR and the entire business area can greatly benefit from OnBase. And we have yet to hear Nobly say, ‘We can not do that.’

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