Banking & Finance

Greater and greater demands are being made by authorities and customers in the financial sector.

Financial companies must be able to handle money laundering, GDPR, and case processing, while the established banks are challenged by neo-banks on modern technology, low costs and flexible onboarding. For many established players, a high degree of IT-debt and heavy processes also apply, and several banks are merging to take advantage of economies of scale and the ability to share development resources.

Brake the challenges. Get control back.

The packages are tailored to achieve control, streamline, and create quality in the work with governance and customer communication in the banking/finance segment.

Money laundering

Nobly secures financial companies against money laundering. Our solutions create results that can be felt and measured with shorter response times, release of significant personnel resources, and a strengthened risk classification of customers.

Customer communication

Good customer communication is about communicating directly and clearly to its customers. That, of course, is easier said than done. At Nobly, we are experts in implementing Customer Communications Management (CCM).

Transaction Monitoring

Nobly’s solution for transaction monitoring restores control to financial institutions, enabling them to act more proactively and efficiently in the fight against activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing.

Handling of sensitive personal data

Financial companies are covered by the provisions of the Money Laundering Act and must comply with the applicable requirements in the area. This involves, ongoing monitoring of the company’s customers, while companies must simultaneously be extremely careful not to deal with criminals and/or organizations. Both issues are often resource-intensive and time-consuming.

It requires a lot of resources from the individual company to manually handle requirements within, for example, identification and legitimation. As mentioned, there may be a requirement from the Danish Data Protection Agency on how companies handle sensitive personal data, or it may be a requirement from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority on the handling of money laundering. If the requirements are not complied with, there is a high risk of very expensive fines and other sanctions from the authorities. The Danish FSA can, for example, ultimately deprive players of the right to conduct financial business.

Increased efficiency and satisfaction

Digitalization alone, however, is not the answer to the challenges of the banking and finance industry, as many companies already have digital access to data and systems. The problem arises here when many different systems are in use at the same time and the individual employee has to spend unnecessary time navigating in a fragmented environment daily.

At Nobly, we can accelerate the development of your company with our industry knowledge, competencies and technology understanding. We do this by collecting existing data, performing external data lookups from public or third-party sources, automating manual and heavy processes, and generally creating a 360-degree overview.

It gives the company a flexible architecture, increases efficiency and satisfaction among employees, and makes the customer experience better.

Meet one of our happy customers

The financing company AL Finans, like other companies in the financial sector, is subject to strict legal requirements by the authorities. AL Finans has therefore chosen Nobly’s future-proof IT-platform OnBase as the foundation for the company’s digital workflows, risk classification, and document management.

This has resulted in short response times and a strengthening of the risk classification, just as it has freed up significant personnel resources.

“Users think it’s great that they do not have to spend time on manual entries and a lot of manual lookups, but instead can spend time on dialogue and customer advice. The sooner we can return with an answer, the better – it gives us satisfied customers and of course also competitive advantages. We have become more efficient and can simply run several cases through each employee. Therefore, we can grow the business further with the same number of employees,” says Johan Ploug Aagard, Deputy Director at AL Finans.

See our cases

Nobly Consent Streamlines Consent Management at Alka Insurance
Nobly Consent Streamlines Consent Management at Alka Insurance
Digital archive solution streamlines the workflow at Velliv
Digital archive solution streamlines the workflow at Velliv
AL Finans chose Nobly and OnBase as IT foundations
AL Finans chose Nobly and OnBase as IT foundations
New document management system brings Alka to the forefront of customer experience and data security
New document management system brings Alka to the forefront of customer experience and data security
OUH handles documents electronically with OnBase
OUH handles documents electronically with OnBase
Visma increases security and minimizes processing time with OnBase
Visma increases security and minimizes processing time with OnBase
BMW Group Financial Services improves workflows and efficiency in contract processes
BMW Group Financial Services improves workflows and efficiency in contract processes
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