
Document management

There are usually many options for archiving documents. Ranging from storage in various applications (ERP systems, Outlook, CRM solutions, Jira, etc.) on shared drives – on employees’ workstations, laptops, mobile devices – at specialized archiving providers such as Dropbox, Microsoft O365, iDrive, Google drive etc., on internal SharePoint sites / OneDrive, FTP servers, etc.

The diversity contributes to creating confusion, wasted time, clutter, security flaws, errors, and individual ways of working with document storage. What appears to be a simple and straightforward work process is in the vast majority of companies associated with anarchy and unproductive time. Not to mention the consequences of non-compliance with the rules issued by the Data Protection Authority.

When users are offered a high degree of flexibility in archiving essential business documents, it results in individual ways of storing. This is the beginning of a fragile and non-sustainable digitalization journey.

There is therefore a huge potential in establishing a robust, consistent, and secure archiving process. It should be usable by all employees, whether they are in the office, working from home, staying at a hotel, etc.

An archiving solution that is always accessible and can be embedded in employees’ preferred work tools. For example, Outlook, Word, the company’s intranet portal, central business solutions.

The employee does not have to think about how the document should be named, where the document should be placed, what rights the document should be provided with, etc.

Stop storing emails in private folders. Goodbye to archiving incoming physical mail in loosely coupled archive solutions, without connection to either work processes or other relevant documents. Finished wondering who the document should be sent to for further processing.

Duplicate and incomplete versions of the document

When working with documents is not anchored in a document management platform, over time, different versions of the same document can emerge. This especially happens when multiple individuals need to be involved in the creation and approval of the content. The same document is saved under different names, and typically, the document is sent back and forth among the involved individuals. This can create situations where there may be doubt about which version is the latest correct version.

Unfortunately, this prolongs the time spent on each document, and the risk of errors increases significantly.

Documents in OnBase are archived centrally, work is done on the same document, and everything is logged and saved in versions – completely automatically. The document itself can be encrypted so that it can not be read by anyone other than those who have access to it. Finish with duplicates and doubt what the latest version contains.

The full overview – 360 degree view

Customer service is very much about being informed about the entire case process and being familiar with all the customer’s matters. There is not much time to give when the customer is on the phone, on the chat, or expecting a quick response by email. Time is a critical factor in providing the desired customer experience.

Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that customer information is available on demand. It is also important that all relevant information, such as a case history, can be compiled quickly. If it becomes necessary to obtain further information, or revisit the history, it should be easy and quick to search if the situation calls for this need.

In OnBase, the information is available, other relevant data can be easily obtained, and all the information can be put together in a good overview, with a full view.

For the benefit of the individual employee who can make the right decision – for both the company and the customer. No wasted time, no mistakes, no bad customer experiences.

GDPR As A Service

On 25 May 2018, the Personal Data Ordinance was introduced in earnest – both for consumers and companies. On this day, the processing and protection of personal data automatically became part of the company’s responsibility and task, where non-compliance will result in fines.

Unfortunately, it still challenges many companies. The background for why consumer protection is complex and cumbersome must be found in the company’s way of storing and working with personal data.

The companies collect, store, process, and communicate personal information incoherently – ie. systems talk poorly together and information is spread out over many data sources. In addition, the policies for the area have not been subject to data and documents from the time before 25 May 2018, and at the same time they have typically not been updated with the necessary policies. Thus, it is difficult to identify data that points to the person in question, and the information is usually not provided with when and how data is to be deleted.

So when consumers ask for insight cases, i.e. the companies have to collect all the information about the individual customer and present it to the customer, then the huge machinery in many companies starts. It is a complex and large task to obtain, collect, and present this type of information.

New money laundering requirements for companies further actualize the issue, and the future will most likely offer more requirements and legislation from the authorities.

OnBase was born with the aim of being able to track, validate, and version everything. In this way, OnBase is created for this age, where risk classifications, documentation and strict requirements for governance must be able to be delivered directly from the platform – we call it GDPR As A Service.

With OnBase, the company’s policies can be easily incorporated and OnBase can support the company’s processes in order to automate and digitalize these as much as possible.

The old adage; well started is half complete, can to that extent be stapled on OnBase. With this technology, your company is well on its way to closing the gaps and streamlining the processes around the entire GDPR area.