
Compliance with policies and legislation

The reporting capabilities of OnBase are huge. All activities are logged – almost hysterically monitored and stored. Of course, it provides absolutely ideal opportunities for reporting.

The purpose of reporting can go in several directions. Much of the reporting by companies is about whether the established policies and legislation are complied with. In particular, the regulations from authorities on, for example, money laundering and personal data protection have filled a lot, and companies can be fined for infringements. It therefore has a lot of attention. A desire for the reporting and audit trails to be easily set up and operated is expanded as new legislation is adopted.

The reporting itself may also be about a desire to chase improvements. By putting power to the work processes, OnBase can easily track how fast the information moves in the organization, and in this way, bottlenecks and inefficient processes can be identified and corrective actions can be initiated.

By having a strong starting point for the measurements, improvements can be easily observed and this creates a positive spiral – for improvements in the company.

The reporting can also form the basis for analyzes. The built-in elements for displaying data can be put together into clear and interactive dashboards, which can form the basis for analyzes.

Users can click on the graphs and thus dive into the data and get closer to an explanation. The many graphical elements can be connected in such a way that when users click on an element in a graph, it is automatically filtered on the other graphs and tables in that dashboard, and in this way users can quickly establish a 360 degree image of the effect of the particular incident.

Finally, Nobly also uses OnBase to monitor errors or incomplete processes. OnBase delivers a quick message to select users that something is wrong. It’s about being able to act proactively and catch the problems before they grow big. As an open archive platform, OnBase can listen in many different ways and places, which can be critical to the company’s operations. From the slow periodic monitoring down to ultra-short measurements.

The basis for the reporting can also be sent to, for example, a data warehouse, where the company’s many other data are stored.

As this is a low code environment, the company can of course be responsible for developing and incorporating the reporting. This makes very good sense, as the need for reporting is constantly shifting as management focuses on new areas and initiatives.