CSR policy for Nobly
At Nobly we work on the basis of a global code of conduct. It is a set of rules that guides us in how we run our business and helps employees maintain ethical behavior worldwide. We call this our Code of Conduct. In short, it means that we keep what we promise and strive to create value in everything we do. All employees in Nobly are obliged to familiarize themselves with and adhere to internal policies and the guidelines described in our Code of Conduct including the values on which this is based. We must abide by the wording and spirit of the Code of Conduct and help others to do the same.
In order to prepare a Nobly Code of Conduct we have identified six relevant, compliant and coherent categories to support the guidelines. These are:
- Anti-Bribery
- Environmental Protection
- Health & Safety
- Human Rights & Labour
- Organization & Management
- Societal Responsibility
It is essential to Nobly to be an organization and workplace with decent working conditions which includes managing fundamental principles in human rights, environment, economics, health and safety of the individual.
Anti-bribery & anti-corruption
Nobly takes measures to combat bribery and corruption and sustainable actions to prevent antitrust violations. This by good business practice which covers both the way Nobly run a business and the companies that we choose to collaborate with e.g customers, suppliers, associations etc.
Our company or our employees do not engage with people or organizations offering any kind of bribery to enter into any kind of agreement of arrangement. Nor do we accept our employees to use bribery of any kind or agreement containing commission or any other type of personal monetary reward. Nobly does not enter into contracts or agreements with customers, partners or other organizations based on corruption.
In terms of securing fair competition, anti-cartel initiatives and economical growth Nobly acts by Danish law.
Nobly does in no shape or form approve or support the abuse of an authority for its own gain such as bribery, fraud and money laundering. Any kind of suspicion of corruption and bribery should immediately be reported to the CEO of Nobly, who will be responsible to notify the relevant authorities and to take the needed actions.
Environmental Protection
Nobly address four environmental categories. Nobly conserves natural resources and protect the environment by:
- Pollution prevention
- Nature protection
- Sustainable use of resources
- Combating climate change
However, due to the nature of Nobly as an IT-company some of the mentioned categories are not eligible to any specific action. Areas where Nobly and its employees are able to make an impact it is prioritiezed. In fact this is applicable to the following: not causing harmful soil contamination, water pollution, air pollution, harmful noise emission, or excessive water consumption as well as complying with Conventions such as Minamata, Stockholm and Basel in regards to environmental protection. Nobly follows Local laws and regulations regarding the protection of the environment. Furthermore Employees at Nobly strive to: Reduce waste and emission to air, ground and water by being attentive to daily water and electricity consumption and to the recycling and reuse of materials and products.
Health & Safety
It is a clear goal for Nobly to adress every possible aspect of health and safety in context to the nature of the company. This means as a minimum complying by law and in regards to both physical and mental health & safety. Furthermore Nobly takes the wellbeing of employees very serious. Extended healthinsurance, quarterly confidential employee dialogs, ergonomic office equipment venting and appropriate lunch/drinks are just some of the initiatives taken to support this. Being an IT-company hazardous and significant physical safety risks are not an issue. Nobly also has an Emergency Plan on how to handle any unforeseen incident or accident.
We prioritize that Nobly employees leave the office every day in the same shape and form as entering the office in the morning.
Human Rights & Labour
Every day we work together to strengthen trust in society and help solve significant issues. Together, we want to live up to our ethical responsibilities, both when it comes to our employees and others we are in contact with.
Our commitment to human rights is already a well-integrated part of our business practices.
Nobly combates any forced labour, child labour and any kind of slavery, eliminating discrimination and ensuring good and complying working conditions. This by ensuring equal rights and treatment of all employees and showing responsibility for all employess regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, age, handicap, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, social background, or political views. Nobly is committed to ensure a work environment free of physical, sexual, mental, and verbal abuse, threats or other form of mistreatment. Nobly complies to every fundamental right of employees described by governing law in the countries we operate.
Organization & Management
It is important to Nobly that our Code of Conduct is anchored at management and communicated to our employees when they join the company and regularly thougout the year so it becomes a natual part of our company standards and ethical values.
Nobly continuously ensures communication, decision-making processes and structures supporting the work of both economic, social and environmental considerations with relevant stakeholders. This includes e.g. internal assessment of concepts/initiatives and strategy by management.
Societal Responsibility
Societal responsibility includes engageing in activities in the local community – being both in Denmark and in the contries where we are located. Nobly is commited to supporting NGO organiszations supporting important areas in our society. In addition, Nobly participates in local sportevents, arrange social activities using local businesses and in general focus on having local suppliers for the daily operation. We are convinced that supporting the local community in such a way will enhance joint societal responsibility.